Jonathan Sears is a visual artist and many things he witnessed while growing up in the south helped make this a fact he cannot change.

He spent his formative years in Hampton Roads -- Virginia Beach, specifically -- rolling crew-deep, shoppin' Military Circle, and bumping the likes of Timbo The King through the two 12s in his two-door, 80s something sedan. But at age 17, he relocated to the sleepy town of Wilson, North Carolina, to escape his then-reality, save his life, and pursue a creative education.

After some fun, some all-nighters, some European travel, and a brief stint as a varsity athlete, he and a note-worthy classmate became the first two students in the 100 year history of Barton College to earn a Bachelors of Fine Arts Degree (BFA) with two concentrations -- Graphic Design and Darkroom Photography -- in just four years. And while this isn't mind-boggling information, it represents the start of his transition from a popular yet nearly-expelled high school kid, to what he is today ... That said, he still relates to Pusha T's Exodus 23:1 much more than DNCE's Cake By The Ocean, which is not quite analogous to many of his peers.

After his undergrad years, Jonathan moved out to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to fail at life for a little bit and gain a true appreciation of what it's like to celebrate the spring when living in a town that is consistantly in the US top five for most cloudy days ... Black and Yellow. Black and Yellow. Black and Yellow. Black and Yellow. ... And while there, he gained an appreciation for open-air markets, but also learned one important lesson -- it's OK to add sweet potato & regular french fries to both sandwiches and salads. Yes; salads.

Also while in the burgh, with the whispers of Susan Fecho echoing in his subconcious, he sent out three grad school applications. One university said his GPA wasn't high enough to qualify. A second university asked him to just wait a quick minute. But The University of Maryland called, offered a full three-year scholarship as well as the Anne Truitt graduate fellowship to basically live in his studio and create his best work. The caveat: He had to enter grad school on academic probation and maintain a B average. Easy enough. "Go Terps!"

After reloacting to Maryland, Claudia welcomed him, Margo embraced him, Patrick kept him guessing, Chip occasionally mislead him, John delt with his shit, Brandon challenged him, Dawn blew his mind, Nare told him to keep buying Apple Stock (he shoulda listened), and Dr. Driskell inspired him (and kept him funded). Barry, Ben, Chris, Christian, Ellington, Matt, Pete, and Steeeeeeve kept him motivated in the studio. Flick kept it scientific and Tanqueray'd up. Cudlin kept it crazy. Pinder doesn't get a link and Owen Wead hopefully appreciates that bit and this bit of shade being thrown his way as well. :-)

After gaining his MFA -- and possibly forcing Maryland to reconsider empowering unruly groups like his with dynamic educations -- life became a bit more introspective.


Oh yeah, if you're reading this before two zero 23, please be warned that the energy is back and he's on his way ... And don't forget, this is America.

PAR-Projects is where you can find him treating Community As Canvas.